
How To See Who Disliked Your YouTube Video?

What is the purpose of those thumbs-down buttons? In this tutorial, we’ll review how to find out who disliked your YouTube video. Improvement requires receiving feedback from the audience to gain insight. Following a few easy steps, you can find out who isn’t enjoying your content and gain valuable information to improve your videos. Investigating YouTube analytics will reveal who might select the “dislike” option.

Have you ever wondered who disliked your YouTube video.Discover the secret behind dislikes and take charge of your content by following these easy steps to identify your opponents.

nalyzing your YouTube video’s analytics will show who didn’t like it.Regretfully, YouTube protects user privacy by not disclosing the identities of specific dislikers. Still, you can gain insightful knowledge. To learn about your audience’s preferences, examine viewer demographics, watch duration, and comments. To make a good impression and reduce future dislikes, concentrate on enhancing content and interacting with your audience.

Understanding Dislikes On YouTube

Since November 10, 2021, dislikes on YouTube have been hidden from view, but they are still tallied and impact suggested videos. YouTube says that by hiding dislikes, it shields creators from unfair abuse. As dislikes increase watch time, they contribute to engagement and can drive the trend of videos.

Dislikes, however, have no bearing on the algorithm that suggests videos. Actually, they serve as a gauge for user opinions regarding particular content. To promote freedom of speech, YouTube does not let users see who liked or disliked their videos. Movie trailers, video game trailers, and music videos rank among the most unfavorable videos on YouTube. 

The Functionality of Dislikes

On YouTube, users can express their disagreement or dissatisfaction with a video by giving it a dislike. They increase the amount of time that videos are watched, which counts as engagement. Dislikes, however, do not affect the algorithm that recommends videos, so they only sometimes imply that a video will be recommended less frequently than ones that have received likes. 

Since November 10, 2021, dislikes on videos have been hidden on YouTube; however, they are still tallied and impact suggested videos. YouTube says that by hiding dislikes, it shields creators from unjustified harassment. To promote freedom of speech, YouTube does not let users see who liked or disliked their videos.

Privacy and Safety Concerns

Safety and privacy are essential when using YouTube. It entails protecting private information and not disclosing it to anybody. Moreover, please exercise caution regarding who and what you speak with online. 

It’s acceptable for people to dislike a video on occasion. However, it’s crucial to concentrate on being safe and having fun with videos rather than obsessing over who doesn’t like them. Remember to contact an adult if something you see online causes you. In this manner, you can enjoy yourself on YouTube while being cautious and wise.


It’s similar to having a secret garden to be alone. It entails protecting private information such as your address and name. It would be best if you exercise caution while sharing anything on YouTube. Keep everything personal from everyone. 

Store your online stuff privately, just like you would a diary. In this manner, you can watch videos without being concerned that too many strangers will find out. Recall that your personal space serves as a shield, and keeping some things private is okay.


Staying safe on YouTube is essential. It entails guarding what you watch and refraining from sharing private information. Feel free to ask an adult if something feels wrong. 

Recall that while watching videos is fun, staying safe is even more crucial. Thus, enjoy yourself while viewing videos on YouTube and protect your personal information.

YouTube’s Decision to Remove Dislike Count

YouTube's Decision to Remove Dislike Count

In November 2021, YouTube took down the dislike count feature from every video on the platform. According to the company, the move was made in response to feedback from creators regarding their well-being and specific campaigns to dislike. Only the video’s creator can see how many people dislike it. The dislike button remains intact.

Since that affects how visible a video is to the public and how well-received it is, this change will likely cause some controversy. Nonetheless, YouTube thinks the modification will lessen the possibility of what it refers to as “dislike attacks” and better shield its creators from harassment.

Engaging with Your Audience

Effective communication requires interaction with the audience. It is crucial to create an engaging introduction that grabs the audience’s interest and makes them want to listen. To accomplish this, you can describe a scene or a character, narrate a tale, share a personal experience, or create a connection to a current occurrence. Adapting your content to your audience’s interests, background knowledge, and expertise is crucial. 

Make statistics meaningful by employing graphics to help make numerical data more accessible and illuminating points with concrete, specific examples. In conclusion, wrap up and refocus your presentation.

Analyzing User Behavior

Understanding user behavior, preferences, and interests is the primary goal of user behavior analytics, which analyzes user data such as demographics, interactions with products or services, engagement metrics (e.g., clicks), and more to gain insights into how people interact with digital experiences. 

By monitoring and analyzing user behavior, you can assess what users find valuable and enhance their experience. User behavior data lets you know what users want, care about, and struggle with. It also answers questions like: What are the most popular features? What makes users drop off? What motivates user retention


What happens if you dislike a YouTube video?

Disliking a video does not directly affect its visibility or ranking, but it provides feedback to the uploader and YouTube’s algorithms.

Is YouTube showing dislikes?

No, YouTube removed the public dislike count display in late 2021, but creators can still see the number of dislikes privately.

Can YouTubers see who watched their video?

No, YouTubers cannot see the specific individuals who watched their videos, only aggregated viewership data.

How come YouTube removed dislikes?

YouTube cited protecting creators from targeted dislike campaigns as the main reason for removing the public dislike count display.


 You cannot see who left a negative rating on your YouTube video. You can still see the quantity of dislikes and other statistics about the viewers of your videos, though. Videos with more dislikes than likes will sometimes be recommended less frequently than those with fewer dislikes. Instead, they serve as a gauge for user opinions regarding particular content. As a result, it’s critical to reply politely to every comment made on your videos. This demonstrates your appreciation for their viewpoint and sincere desire to interact with them. Recall that dislikes are not fatal and may even provide opportunities for future content improvement.

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